
Meria With Donald Jeffries – Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics

12/13/19 Meria with Donald JeffriesCrimes & Cover Ups in American Politics 1776-1963“; Crushing dissent and free speech on “social media”; money buys social media; Harvey Weinstein-two sets of laws; our system of injustice; public defenders & plea deals; The Afghanistan Papers trillions wasted -cut food stamps; trump on Judaism; taxation without representation; consent of the governed? history repeats itself; Average worker earns less than $30,000 a year; Bob Chapman; the war on seniors; “Minority Report”; why no babies? living paycheck to paycheck while the rich get richer; the Stock Market and trump; Vanity Fair on the market; shootings at our bases and loads more.





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2 Responses to "Meria With Donald Jeffries – Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Your Interviews with Donald Jeffries are always so full of illumination and information. My husband and I both read “Survival of the Richest”. It is so eye opening. I ordered 2, one for us, and one to share. I also ordered two of “Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics“ for the same reason. Although my husband is Swiss, he knows that so much of American Politics affects Europe and the world. We are both totally blown away by the Truths of American History that Donald wrote about up to 1963 and, hopefully, when he can, up till present day. Anyway, this book reminds me of what the late and great Dave McGowan said…”Everything I have been taught is a fucking lie”…couldn’t have said it better! Thank you, Meria and Donald.

  2. Meria says:

    so glad you enjoyed it! love you.

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