
Meria With Donald Jeffries-Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics

10/30/19 Meria with Donald Jeffries on his excellent book “Crimes & Cover Ups In American History, 1776-1963”. Today we revisit the Lindbergh kidnapping. Why? If you don’t know history you can’t see it repeating itself over and over. Familiar names thru history: trump, Bush, etc -the real deep state; From Lincoln to Lindbergh; both trials jokes; Richard Hauptmann set up; the “alleged” kidnapping; FBI never called; Hoover believed it an inside job; practical joker; fabricated evidence; drunk attorney; Harold Hoffman, unsung hero; government conspiracies. Same M.O. today, it works every time.





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2 Responses to "Meria With Donald Jeffries-Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria and Donald for this fabulous Interview. Just a few opinions: I totally agree that trusting the MSM is just as stupid as trusting the Government. The Morning Shows in the U.S. are an insult to anyone with a working brain. It’s one thing to be a “Practical Joker”, but what kind of person would allow an innocent person to be convicted and executed for a murder he did not commit? As far as our character in this life goes, the best thing we can take with us from this planet is our clear conscience and honor. All of the crap material things stay here. One more thing, question EVERYTHING! I Ordered the book “Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics“. When it arrived, I was just finishing up a book by one of Meria’s other sensational guests, Michael Reccia, “The Spaces Between”. My husband confiscated Donald’s Book. His Mother Tongue is German. Reading in English takes a little longer for him, and he’s still reading it, so I ordered another one. You can be sure that these books will be shared, and I will encourage people to buy their own. Thank you, Meria and Donald, and looking forward to future shows of you together!

  2. Meria says:

    thank you! You can count on future shows. I put our first one up at the free show link. hugs

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